Content Block: Card > Contact

This component is used to provide quick access to methods of contact or find help.


Our most frequently asked questions, answered

Live chat

We’re here every day from 9am until 12pm


Call us

Our customer service team is available daily from 7am-midnight

Usage Criteria

This component shows different methods for users to get help with their problem or situation, or find contact information. It provides quick access by directly linking the user to each method.

Do's and Don'ts

  • Use this at the bottom of a page when contact information is supplementary. If customer support and contact information is the key role of the page, move it to the top.
  • Do not use this component if there is only one method to display. The ideal is 3 methods to create one full row.
  • Do not use this component for anything other than the intended use, which is providing contact methods or ways for users to find help with their problem or question.

Design Notes

This component is meant to be used for commonly accessed channels of communication. If there is less frequently used information (ie. contact of the  Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner), or there is only one or two methods of contact to display, please consider using a different method to show this (ie. basic text or a button).

Configurable Options

This component has option to configure the icon and icon style, as well as the width (6 columns to display two components per row, or 4 columns to display three components per row).

Developer Notes

AEM Component Name

Content Block: Card > Contact

Code Base Name


SCSS Attributes





Released (RC 1)


Code Base v1.0

Designer Notes

Sketch Component Name


Sketch Responsive Sizes

Desktop HD, Desktop, Tablet, Mobile


Released (Master)


Design 1.0