
B.C. has 36 casinos and community gaming centres across the province, which include everything from slots to table games to restaurants and concert venues.

Our role

As the Crown corporation responsible for managing gambling in B.C., we set the standards, policies and procedures for the operation of all gambling facilities to ensure a high standard of security and integrity.

This includes overseeing gaming operations, monitoring equipment, and supervising the private sector companies who maintain the facilities and manage day-to-day operations. Online, we offer lottery tickets, sports betting and online casino games on our regulated gambling website PlayNow.

We operate facilities in 33 communities across B.C., including:

  • 24 casinos (22 casinos, plus two casinos at racetracks)
  • 1 bingo hall
  • 12 community gaming centres

How gambling works

Dive deeper into how gambling works. Learn more about the games you’re playing and concepts like odds and randomness.

Casino approval and development

We routinely assess the market to best serve British Columbians and consider future demand for gaming through marketplace assessments. The results identify where facilities could be added and how existing ones might be redeveloped to fit the market.

Locations for gaming facilities are considered in conjunction with and approval from the host local government, which includes municipalities and First Nations groups. The province enters into revenue-sharing agreements with host local governments, which receive 10 per cent of the net income generated from gaming facilities in their community.

Our evaluation process

When considering a new gaming facility, we adhere to a formal evaluation process, which includes:

Market review

We use specialized third-party expertise to analyze and determine demand for a new gaming facility and the games that would best serve the market. Factors include population data, existing gaming facilities, and estimated revenue potential in the area.

Expression of interest

When we identify a new market, we issue an “expression of interest” to all local governments in the area, which then notify us whether they wish to be considered to host a facility. An independent, third-party fairness monitor oversees our review of submissions based on a number of factors.

Service provider selection

We select a private-sector operator to build and operate the proposed facility on our behalf.

Gaming proposal

The preferred host local government is informed that we intend to bring forward a gaming proposal.

Community input

We’re committed to community engagement and to understanding what’s important to British Columbians. The preferred host local government is obligated under the Gaming Control Act to seek and consider input from the community and notify neighbouring governments.


Upon approval from the preferred host local government, we make a final decision regarding whether to proceed with the development of a new gaming facility.

All gambling revenues are delivered back to the province to support community programs, services and grants throughout B.C.

Casino staff going over document

Service providers (Operational services agreement)

Service providers either own or lease gaming facilities and maintain these operations in co-operation with BCLC. They hire staff, provide surveillance and security, and manage day-to-day operations.

Every service provider must be registered by our provincial regulator, the Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch (GPEB), and must adhere to the rules and regulations as outlined by BCLC. Providers enter into a contract with BCLC by signing an Operational Service Agreement and receive commissions based on the gambling revenue that facilities generate. As part of the partnership, service providers must agree to:

  • Provide and maintain facilities
  • Follow BCLC gambling standards, policies and procedures
  • Provide and operate surveillance equipment
  • Manage slot machines, table games and bingo games
  • Provide accounting and financial management
  • Comply with provincial and federal laws regulating commercial gambling
  • Participate in compliance reviews and audits

BCLC has lottery operations in nearly every community across the province, including nearly 3,500 lottery outlets and 36 casinos or community gaming centres in municipalities and First Nations’ communities. The revenue generated through gambling is used to fund important community initiatives, programs and infrastructure throughout B.C.

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