Community Benefits

What makes a BCLC Community Hero?

February 19, 2025

Community Hero Dan cranks the siren at the Vancouver Canucks game.

Each year, BCLC partners with the Vancouver Canucks, Abbotsford Canucks and the BC Lions to celebrate individuals making a difference. B.C. is filled with individuals dedicated to making their communities better and we are so proud to recognize their efforts. 

There are many qualities that make a community hero. We’ve listed five here to get you thinking about the heroes in your own community. 

1. Someone who acts selflessly in the service of others. 

We’re thrilled to honour those who want to help others – whether it be another individual, a group or an entire community. 

Ken Brake from Abbotsford is a great example of someone who acts selflessly for their community. He has contributed hundreds of volunteer hours with his city’s Adopt a Park and Event Program. Ken is known as a trusted, reliable and hardworking volunteer who looks to help others and who loves and has a positive impact on his community.

Ken Brake honoured at an Abbotsford Canucks game.
Ken Brake honoured at an Abbotsford Canucks game.

Donna Jones from Richmond is another great example of someone who acts selflessly. This video highlights her community work and what it was like to be recognized as a BCLC Community Hero. 

Donna Jones honoured at a Vancouver Canucks game.

2. Someone who uplifts others and enhances their lives in some way. 

Do you know someone who works to improve the lives of those in their community? 

We recognized Nick Avery from North Vancouver for his work with Capilano Community Services - a non-profit organization that offers support and programs for children, youth, families and seniors. Recently promoted to executive director, Nick has reached an incredible number of people in his community, helping ensure those who are connected with his organization receive the help and resources they need. 

Nick Avery honoured at a Vancouver Canucks game.
Nick Avery honoured at a Vancouver Canucks game.

This year, the BCLC Community Hero program expanded to recognize people from across the province. We recognized Hjalmer Wenstob from Ty-Histanis on Vancouver Island for his continued generosity. As an artist from Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation, he has gifted totem poles to his territory and this past holiday season, Hjalmer purchased pallets of toys through his art gallery to sell at a fraction of the cost as a way to help make Christmas more affordable for families living on the west coast.  

Hjalmer Wenjstob honoured at a Vancouver Canucks game.
Hjalmer Wenjstob honoured at a Vancouver Canucks game.

3. Someone who protects others and faces fears head-on. 

We’re excited to honour those who put themselves on the line in service of others.

Dan Cochrane has been a member of the Vancouver Fire and Rescue for over 20 year and recently became captain. He is passionate about helping others across the Vancouver community and beyond – including providing support at ground zero after the 9/11. We were thrilled to recognize Dan and have him help us amp up the Vancouver Canucks at his game night!

Dan Cochrane honoured at a Vancouver Canucks game.
Dan Cochrane honoured at a Vancouver Canucks game.

4. Someone who is a positive role model for others.

Even the smallest actions can have a big impact on the people around you. 

Marco Castalano of Coquitlam loves sports. As a parent volunteer coach for his kid’s hockey, soccer and baseball teams, he’s passionate about making sure that all children have a fair chance to play sports, regardless of their ability. His goal for his teams? To make sure that every year, is the best year yet.

Marco Castalano honoured at a Vancouver Canucks game.
Marco Castalano honoured at a Vancouver Canucks game.

5. Someone who acts quickly to help others. 

When an individual instinctively acts with empathy and compassion for the benefit of others, we believe their efforts are worth celebrating! 

Rachel Moir is a dedicated nurse who has spent years advocating for vulnerable populations, including those in Vancouver’s Downtown East Side. Her career has been defined by her tireless provision of exceptional care and support to those struggling with homelessness, addiction and mental health challenges. 

Rachel Moir honoured at a Vancouver Canucks game.
Rachel Moir honoured at a Vancouver Canucks game.

Do you know someone that deserves recognition? Nominate them for a chance to be recognized with their favourite team this season.