
Scratching First Game on Set for Life Ticket Leaves Nanaimo Resident “Gobsmacked” – and $675,000 Richer

October 11, 2023


After Vera Lynn Strand purchased one of her favourite purple Set for Life tickets, it was a few days before she got around to scratching it – and uncovering the three symbols that would win her the game’s top prize of $675,000.

The Nanaimo resident had only just sat down at home with a cup of coffee and her special dime for scratching tickets when the first game she scratched revealed the prize.

“I FaceTimed my daughter to ask her if I was seeing things,” said Strand. “I thought, ‘Wow, I have won!’”

Strand plans to celebrate with some “nice family dinners” but hasn’t completely figured out what’s next for her winnings.

“I have no plans for bucket list items yet,” said Strand, but shared that the win provides some “added security for retirement.”

Asked how it feels to be a lottery winner, Strand declared: “Gobsmacked!”

Strand purchased the winning ticket at the Fairway Market on Rutherford Road in Nanaimo.

So far in 2023, B.C. lottery players redeemed more than $8 million in Set for Life prizes. 

Players can purchase tickets at lottery retailers or at Players can now check their lottery tickets anytime, anywhere using the BCLC Lotto! App.

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