Reports & Disclosures

BCLC is committed to being open and transparent about its business. We proactively publish our corporate reports, freedom of information requests, policies and more.

Featured Reports

Service Plan - 2025/26 – 2027/28

Our service plan outlines BCLC’s key strategies and actions for delivering on our strategic priorities, as established by government, and as outlined in our Mandate Letter. 

Community Impact Report 2023/24 - BC

Thanks to our players, BCLC has delivered more than $29 billion to support communities, provincial programs and services, charities and major events that have helped shaped B.C. This report is shared for historical purposes only and should not be relied on.


BCLC proactively discloses information and reports about how we operate our business, including our social responsibility efforts, Freedom of Information requests, lottery retailer compliance, and employee engagement results.

Annual reports

Every year we release reports about our financial performance and goals. In this section you'll find our Annual Reports and Service Plans.

Anti-Money Laundering reviews and audits

BCLC is committed to ensuring robust anti-money laundering controls and practices in our gambling and entertainment facilities. Find out more about the various reviews and audits we undertake to prevent and detect criminal activity.

Community impact reports

Thanks to our players, billions of gaming dollars have funded provincial, community and charitable programs in B.C. These reports are shared for historical purposes only and should not be relied on.

Corporate citizenship

BCLC strives to be a positive catalyst socially, environmentally and economically. The Corporate Social Responsibility, Climate Change Accountability, ESG and Annual Impact reports are shared for historical purposes only and should not be relied on. We look forward to releasing our Annual Impact Report later this year for the 2024/25 fiscal year.

Expenses and compensation

In this section you’ll find reports on expenses and payments for BCLC’s board members, executive team and some employees, as well as the service providers and vendors we work with.

FOI responses

BCLC endeavours to be open and transparent and makes a number of records publicly available. The proactive release of BCLC’s responses to FOI requests is another way we are making more information available.

Responsible and problem gambling

This section includes some of our most recent facts and reports on responsible and problem gambling, including B.C. Game Break statistics and research findings.

If you're unable to open the reports or attachments contained on our website, please contact our Customer Support Centre for assistance.