Pages - Page not found

Page not found pages, known as 404 pages, let users know that the page they were looking for could not be retrieved.

Use Cases

Use a page not found if a user is trying to access a page that does not exist. This happens when:


  • users select a link or button that takes them to a non-existent page
  • users type or copy a web address leading to a non-existent page
  • users type or copy a web address incorrectly


When authoring, test all links and buttons to ensure they work before publishing.


Check that any web addresses on your pages link to pages that exist or redirect to pages that exist.


This page should have:


  • a header that states "Page not found"
  • an error code
  • a link to return to the homepage


As this is an auxiliary page and not an L3 or lower; please do not use breadcumbs on these pages.