Task - Reading bios

This pattern lets users to read biographies of the people at BCLC.

Use Cases

When to use

Use this pattern on pages where users are looking for information about employees and their backgrounds.

When to use

Use this pattern on pages where users have a large library of reports and documents to sort through.

When not to use

Do not use this pattern anywhere other than within the "About us" section to ensure the right information can be found consistently within the same space.


Use the proper format for introductions

Biography pages start with an introductory paragraph. Use the Content Block: Intro component to insert large text and place it at the top of the page.

Show previews of biography content 

Instead of displaying the copy for each biography immediately, choose to show short excerpts isntead. This prevents the page from getting excessively long and becoming hard to scroll, and users can choose what to read before seeing more.