Task - Submitting an FOI request

This pattern helps users submit an FOI request.

Use Cases

FOI requests help users obtain information and reports not currently listed on the website. This information is then posted and becomes publicly available on the Reports and Disclosures page.

When to use

Provide users the option to make an FOI request on pages where they may already be looking for extra help, such as customer support. 

When not to use

Do not use this pattern when the user is involved in a focused task or page unrelated to FOI requests or obtaining reports.


Provide users with alternative ways to obtain the information they need

The information a user is looking for may already be readily available. Provide resources for the user to check first to make sure what they are requesting isn't there. This helps reduce the user's wait time for information and is more efficient for the department.

If the user still cannot find the information, at that point the option to submit a request is presented.

Provide users with different options

If possible, provide users with multiple ways to submit a request, in order to accomodate for as many situations as possible. Some may prefer to submit online, through mail, or by fax.

Inform users of what to expect after submitting a request

Let users know about any fees, wait times, or the delivery method of information so they can stay informed.