Task - Finding contact information

This pattern is used to provide users with contact methods for getting in touch with BCLC.


Contact us via email at any time, 24/7

Live chat

Connect with us online through live chat.

Chat now (offline)

Call us

Our customer service team is available daily from 7am-midnight

Use Cases

Place these components on pages where it can be anticipated that a user will have questions or need help. Examples of this are the Customer Support pages (as they would already be looking for help) or more complex pages such as Terms of Use

Use Cases

When to use

Use this pattern on pages where it can be anticipated a user might need help. For example:

  • on customer support pages, where users are already seeking help
  • on pages that may be complex or require assistance in understanding, such as "Terms of Use"

When not to use

Do not use this pattern when:

  • There is only one contact method available
  • When the contact information is not commonly accessed by most users on the site except for edge cases (For example, contact for the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner)


Order contact methods consistently between pages so users can consistently find what they need. For example, if a page displays email, then live chat, then phone, display it in this order on all other pages as well.