Task - Learning about products

This pattern helps users learn about products that BCLC has to offer.

Use Cases

When to use

Use this pattern on pages where product information is provided (casino, lottery, sports, etc).

When not to use

Product information should mainly be housed in the "What we do" section. To keep the site consistent, avoid adding content heavy with product information on other pages.


Use the proper format for introductions

For introductory paragraphs on product information pages, use theĀ Content Block: Intro component to insert large text and place it at the top of the page.

If the page is long, consider a sub-navigation

If a product page has an extensive amount of information, it may be hard for users to scroll through or find the information they want. In cases like these, use theĀ Nav: Sub-section Nav component to group related content together and create tabs that users can use to jump to a section.

Add related articles to the bottom of the page

If applicable, articles related to a product can be added to the bottom of the information page. This lets users see how products have made an impact in real-world settings.