Campbell River

BCLC is proud to give back to the citizens of B.C. and help communities grow. Revenue generated by gambling goes back to the Province of B.C. and is distributed in a variety of ways, including to communities through Host Local Government payments and the Province of B.C.’s Community Gaming Grants program.

In 2022/23, Chances Playtime Campbell River contributed to the Campbell River community and economy in a variety of ways. Here are just a few.



in provincial gambling revenue shared with the City of Campbell River for hosting Chances Playtime Campbell River since 2007.



in provincial gambling revenue shared with the City of Campbell River for hosting Chances Playtime in 2022/23.

Community Stories

Close up of person strumming guitar

CR Live Streets

In 2022, the City of Campbell River allocated a portion of the provincial gambling revenue it received from hosting Chances Campbell River to support CR Live Streets. $80,000 went to support 6 major family events/concerts and other downtown activations such as: 'A Night Out Downtown,' a celebration of the city's downtown business district, where visitors enjoyed music, live comedy, food, and special discounts.

Attendees were encouraged to pick up a passport which they could then have stamped by various merchants to earn entry for prizes.

Soup being served in a bowl

Giving Back in Campbell River

In 2022, the City of Campbell River allocated its share of provincial gambling revenue from hosting Chances Campbell River to a variety of community programs. Funds supported inititives such as warming shelters, Qwalayu House and the Wounded Warrior Run. Funding also went to Wild Wise Campbell River in an effort to reduce human-wildlife conflicts in the area.

Did you know?

Each year, municipal and First Nation governments in B.C. that host a gambling facility receive a 10 per cent share of net gambling income generated at those facilities. Last year, 33 Host Local Governments across B.C. received $100.8 million in provincial gambling revenue to fund local projects and initiatives.

Community Impact Report 2022/23

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Since 1985, players just like you have helped shaped B.C. See how funds generated from gambling have helped support local communities.