Content Block: Section Title with Desc

This component provides a basic header and description that is centered.

Section Title with Description

This a description that comes with the title. It is center aligned. This a description that comes with

This is a description without a title. We do use these once in a while.

Section Title without a Description

Usage Criteria

This component consists of a basic centered header and description. It is used for introducing a body of content.

Do's and Don'ts

  • Avoid using this component for very short sections. This component works well with larger sections.

Design Notes

If the page body content is short in length, consider creating a title using a regular text component instead of this center aligned title component. This component works better for introducing larger sections.

Configurable Options

This component has basic configurations for the Title and Short description (both optional)All text will be automatically centered and the title will appear as an H2 style.

Developer Notes

AEM Component Name

Content Block: Section Title with Desc

Code Base Name


SCSS Attributes



Released (RC 1)


Code Base v1.0