Content Block: Reports List

This component is used to introduce users to different types of reports by providing context and information.

Report Type

Description on what kind of things you can find in this particular report type, or a description about how these reports relate to the company.

Report Type

Description on what kind of things you can find in this particular report type, or a description about how these reports relate to the company.

Usage Criteria

This component gives users context and information about a specific report type by providing a description and sample of the report. It allows the user to understand what kind of information they can find and what the report is for, along with a link to view all reports of that type.

Do's and Don'ts

  • Do not use this component if there will only be one instance of it. This component is meant to be used in a group of 2 or more.
  • Do not use this component for content unrelated to reports.

Design Notes

When looking for a component with a similar layout for content unrelated to reports, consider using the Content Block: Related Items component.

Configurable Options

To configure the sample reports for the component, an individual folder must be created to house all the reports of that same type (the one the component aims to describe). Each instance of the component will need to link to its own respective folder. The "See all" button will need to be linked to a filtered view of the Reports & Disclosures page.

Developer Notes

AEM Component Name

Reports List

Code Base Name


SCSS Attributes





Released (RC 1)


Code Base v1.0


Additional Information

  • The number of the report and list are retrieved from path provided in the dialog

Designer Notes

Sketch Component Name


Sketch Responsive Sizes

Desktop HD, Desktop, Tablet, Mobile


Released (Master)


Design 1.0